zymogen .net label

zymogen .net label - logo


Zymogen offers a means to consider and experience distinct electronic music and the internet as a resource.
It is the product of refined consideration for experimental expression and aesthetics, offering music in a digital format since September 2005.
Our foremost objective is to create a personal touch, in order to draw attention and stand out in the multitude.

The Zymogen project is based in Modena, Italy and is coordinated by Filippo Aldovini, who is personally involved at Error Broadcast and NODE festival.

"Giving ideas the finest voice"

If you appreciate our work, you can support us making a donation to cover our bandwidth expense and to support zymogen


Last Releases


Alessio Ballerini - Blanc

Blanc thumbnail"Blanc" is a concept album that does not represent opposing views, but dissimilar ones. Downloadable from Zymogen the release is also accompanied by 2 videos and 15 drawings. The two videos were creat...(more)