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Letna - Tisza meets Dunav
Tisza meets Dunav is the new album by Sasa Vojvodic, also known as Letna, a producer based in Paris and born in Serbia, ex Yugoslavia.
With Alexandre Navarro he coordinates Sem label and the brand new Iod netlabel, the union between Eko and Standardklik.
Letna already collaborated with Zymogen in the Sky Diary Edits project and we're very happy to start 2008 with his brand new album.
Tisza meets Dunav is a concept work inspired by Sasa's native country, Serbia. Every song is dedicated to a specific place in the area of the Tisza, which falls into Dunav, the Danube, one of the biggest rivers in Eastern Europe.
Nature elements inspired most of the album: Deliblatska Pescara is the largest sandy terrain in Europe once part of a vast prehistoric desert, Fruska Gora is a beautiful mountain, while Ledinci and Jezera are two lakes located in Serbia. The musical narrative of this album develops slowly through different sound layers: pure and delicate melodies, distant voices, guitar notes, drones, microtonal sound-waves and field recordings.
The evocative power of Letna's music reaches high levels exemplified by the intense momentum of 'White City', a song dedicated to Belgrade.
The emotive atmosphere of songs like 'Deliblatska Pescara' and 'Crossing the Bridge (Novisad)' is present throughout the album. Field recordings feature in every song which guide the listener into a continuum of perfectly designed soundscapes.
Tisza meets Dunav is a progession of Letna's musical research which helps us understand his poetry and the deep meanings hidden behind his abstract creations.
Track List:
- 01. Tiza meets Dunav
- 02. Deliblatska Pescara
- 03. Don't cry Tisza
- 04. Fruska Gora
- 05. Ledinci
- 06. Crossing the bridge / Novisad
- 07. Jezera
- 08. White city
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© Letna
© Zymogen
Cover Artwork:
© Laurent Batailley
© Zymogen
This work (audio tracks, cover, text) is licensed under a creative commons license.
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Reviews for this release
Petit rappel: Un blog musical sert avant tous à découvrir l'introuvable. En voiçi l'exemple avec ce LETNA.??? Ils viennent de France, font de la musique dite "ambient" sur des thèmes propres à la Serbie et ceci est un projet; donc il n'y aura pas de retour.
100% découverte.
Opus 4 / 12 Apr 2008
The latest two sparsely minimal full lengths take Zymogen in close connection to such labels as 12K, Line, Spekk, Room 40, Anticipate... joining the broad acceptance of an essential ambient goal. The first net-release comes from an Italian author, first in the Zymogen roster: con_cetta defines the awareness escaping the chaos of the industrial metropolis, completing organic task that will improve the surroundings, in defining of a document of a better environment. Letna, however, is focused on picturesque sound wall, emitting signals from an extremely anti-climax territory. A line of emotionally mature soundscape' experience with field recordings that engage private relations, nostalgic overviews and meditative states.
otsechka / 01 Apr 2008
Sasa Vojvodic, ciudadano de París, nacido en Serbia.
Recrea los paisajes de su país natal recreado a través de un ambient introspectivo, contemplativo. Con exquisitos arreglos microtonales, y cuerdas de guitarra.
Netlabels & News / 02 Feb 2008
Italian net label Zymogen has been on my radar for some time now. The lovely releases gorgeous website and cover art are high quality products and the nice thing is, its free. Oh yes don’t we love the Internet. Its good to see artists like Ten and Tracer (Zym012) appear on labels like Zymogen.
The latest releases on Zymogen is Tisza Meets Dunav by Sasa Vojvodic, also known as Letna, a producer based in Paris and born in Serbia, ex Yugoslavia. The tranquil tracks all have some acoustic instruments in them accompanied by the usual glitchy tempo synced field recordings. Besides being a nice addition to the growing number of quality drony ambient music we have around today,Tisza meets Dunav features lots of guitars and bells making it more organic than most ambient music. Well worth a download…
Fant00m / 01 Feb 2008
Tisza meets Dunav by Letna is an eight track album on one of my favourite labels, Zymogen. While it has the usual ingredients of a typical Zymogen release - ambient, field recordings, drones even -, often an acoustic guitar is featured creating lovely melodies and a warm atmosphere. Very optimistic release actually.
Not So Relevant / 28 Jan 2008
Ya hace dias que voy escuchando este nuevo lanzamiento de Zymogen, y como la mayoría de su catálogo me parece maravilloso. Letna (residente en Paris) está involucrado en varios proyectos como sem label o Zymogen mismo. En este trabajo nos trae ocho temas de ambient claro y brillante donde las guitarras juegan un papel muy importante, dándole un ligero aire pop en algunos momentos, rodeadas de capas alargadísimas.
Un discazo imprescindible.
Oír para creer / 21 Jan 2008
i hate these zymogen m$%&$#&$rs! yet another great release, Letna - Tisza meet Dunav, extremly mellow and cold field recordings interweaved with vague accoustics, great ambience, perfect mixing, dead careful not to overdue. it's just great. i hate these perfectionist fuckers ruining the fun for everybody else. damn it, this album fucking rules. awesome release. big fuckings to zymogen. grrr
demojournal7005 / 19 Jan 2008
Das Italienische Label Zymogen setzt seine Serie sehr eleganter Releases mit diesem Release von Letna (kennt man vielleicht schon von seinen Standard Klik oder Eko Netlabel Releases) fort.
De-Bug / 18 Jan 2008