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Nicola Ratti - èsope
Nicola Ratti is one of Zymogen's favourite Italian composers.
After the acclaimed album From The Desert Came Saltwater, published on Anticipate in 2008, and the collaborative project Bellows with Giuseppe Ielasi, Nicola gives us a unique composition called ésope.
This work was originally done for the exhibition "ésope reste ici et se repose"#1, which took place in Montpellier between October 30th and December 13th 2008.
It's a single track based on processed field recordings taken in Montpellier between the 22nd and 25th April of the same year and was conceived of as the musical background for the exhibition.
Twenty copies of this work have been printed on cdrs in conjunction with very special handmade packaging by Fatima Bianchi, which you can still buy directly on Nicola's myspace.
Nicola Ratti's music is based on the search for a personal language that is capable of joining basic song structure, electro-acoustic experimentation and the use of sounds extracted from the environment in which we live. He does this with a sensibility that ranges from improvisation to the construction of sound via sheer artisanship.
Voice and words are combined to produce a variety of niceties, overtones and gradation open to all forms of interpretation. In this piece you'll find all these elements, but this time Nicola is focused more on textures and sound design creating a different atmosphere from his previous work.
This is a real gem that we can explore while waiting for his forthcoming album "Ode", which will see the light later this year on Preservation.
Track List:
Download ZIP file from zymogen.
General Info:
Limited edition cd in 19 copies, handmade packaging with original artwork by Fatima Bianchi.
© Nicola Ratti
© Zymogen
Cover Artwork:
© Roberto Manuelli
© Zymogen
This work (audio tracks, cover, text) is licensed under a creative commons license.
Reviews for this release
When I download netlabel albums, I usually have a subconscious list of labels to check. Some labels will have regular releases and others will not release for months. I've been checking back at Zymogen for months after I'd particularly enjoyed their Offthesky release. So I was extremely excited when I noticed Nicola Ratti's 'esope' became available to download.
And, what's more, it really doesn't disappoint. This is just how I like my soundscapes - field recordings, drones and instrumentation, delicately woven together as an untold story. I've listened to this a lot over the month - it is just superb. This release comes with my highest recommendation.
Audio Gourmet / 24 Apr 2009
Nicola Ratti presenta para Zymogen esta pieza unica de 17 minutos, originalmente compuesta para acompañar una instalación y exhibición llamada "ésope reste ici et se repose"#1, que tuvo lugar en Montpellier del 30 de octubre al 30 de diciembre de 2008. La pieza esta construida sobre una base de grabaciones de campo obtenidas a su vez en Montpellier del 22 al 25 de abril de ese mismo año. Sobre este fondo Nicola desarrolla un tapiz electroacústico y artesanal de texturas y tonos muy evocador.
Netlabels & News / 28 Mar 2009