Last Release
Meeting a Squirrel
30 Jan 2006
Zymogen music is now located also on sonicSQUIRREL wich provides us two addtional fast servers for the hosting of our data.
"sonicSQUIRREL.net is a platform and distribution channel for netlabels. its aim is to promote free music and help artists and netlabels make their work easily available for a wider audience. sonicSQUIRREL.net is not only about providing music, but also about giving background information and sensitizing people for issues like copyleft/right, drm and netaudio."
Definitely a good idea.
iTunes is waiting for Novctzember
25 Jan 2006
The iTunes music store has selected our podcast of zym004 on the "news and notable" section of the iTunes/Podcast home page of the last four days.
This event has given zymogen lots of visibility, so thanks to iTunes for this gift, and don't forget to go there and check also the other podcasts by zymogen including the one of our last release "Ordinary Days".
zym005/Takeshi Nakamura - Ordinary Days
21 Jan 2006
Ordinary Days is a deep and consistent release focused on the latest productions of the sound designer Takeshi Nakamura composed in the last part of 2005.
After a nice release on Neureal, Takeshi brings back his skills to create this complex album made of microsounds, drones and cold atmospheres where our Japanese friend shows his addiction to the obscure side of electronic sounds. These nine tracks sketch a development in Takeshi's music through a combination between cold ambient mood over oblique and processed rhythm.
Ordinary Days moves between these two polarities: "Foolish Love" is the anomaly of the entire album with an intriguing melody that vibrates for a moment and then dissipates into the rough edges of "Killing Time" and "Maze". In the first one Takeshi builds an essential structure of minimal beats and hypnotizing loops interspaced by a warm pad, the second one has a similar structure too but with a singular acid riff that explodes at the end of the track.
"Dozed Off" slows down the tension into far reverbs and resonant samples, then Takeshi disjoints a "Commonplace Beat" into the chipped and disorganic mellow of "Peaceful Days".
"Voices", probably the best track of the album, is a complex of computerized voices, intricate beats and sub drones, a mood wich can be compared with the sonority of songs like Ipacial Section or Sim Gishel of the mighty Autechre who surely stands among Takeshi's ispirations.
The end of Ordinary Days is a deep and cerebral journey through desolate landscapes of cold ambient lightened by high frequency quakes where you'll feel lost and fascinated.
14 Jan 2006
Sytrum Sistum, the best electronic radio on the web, has added on its playlist two releases from Zymogen, Retorno a la Nada by Lezrod and Novctzember by Ibakusha.
Be sure to be connected with Systrum.
Nice words
09 Jan 2006
Two amazing reviews about our last release Novctzember are now on the web:
"italy-based netlabel zymogen got a new record out! it's their fourth release, and it looks like these guys are willing to make you remember the name. after the stunning diatribes-record last year, it's ibakusha from switzerland with his novctzember EP the label serves for you.
electronic music, once again. but don't stop reading! manuel has some great ideas to make his music more interesting than most of the other releases i've heared..."
more on Rubored
"Dieses kommt von Manuel Ibakusha und verwirrt den H??rer elektronischer Musik mit einigen sch??nen und unkonventionellen Ideen. Zymogen setzen Manuels Musik durch Vergleiche mit Skam und n5MD in den Referenzrahmen IDM/ Drill'n'Bass, betonen gleichzeitig aber die Andersartigkeit seiner Kompositionen. Wie wahr! Schwingt im ersten Song Asperit?® noch ein Hauch Squarepusher-Breakbeat mit, so gelingt es Manuel bereits hier, durch verzerrte Vibraphon- oder Spieluhr-Kl?§nge eine Atomsph?§re unkitschiger W?§rme zu erzeugen, die von gef?ºhlsduselnder Indietronika weit entfernt ist..."
more on Phlow.net
Zymogen on the radio
09 Jan 2006
Our friend Phoenelai has published on Yahoo podcasts a beautiful radio set made of deep atmospheres, ambient textures and downy moods.
Episode#1 features compositions from Scott Taylor, Sand, Novisad, Navarro, Andrey Kiritchenko, Dincise (our friend too), PS, Jari Pitkanen, Pelpp and two amazing tracks from Retorno a la Nada our very first release by Lezrod.
Another set, this time done by Mogwai, includes a track from Songraphie's Toys together with downtempo, clicks and minimal-tek material assembled for a radio program about the netaudio scene. Stream it from here.
Total support!
Best of?
01 Jan 2006
Retorno a la Nada by Lezrod has been choosen as one of the best releases of 2005 by Nim, Carte Postale Rec coordinator.
Furthermore a track produced by Lezrod as David Velez appears on La Casa Microscopica, a compilation of experimental productions collected by Montgo Records.
Nice ones.
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Last Releases
Alessio Ballerini - Blanc
"Blanc" is a concept album that does not represent opposing views, but dissimilar ones. Downloadable from Zymogen the release is also accompanied by 2 videos and 15 drawings. The two videos were creat...(more)
Nicolas Bernier + Simon Trottier - The Market Fresh
Nicolas Bernier and Simon Trottier are two talented musicians from Montreal, Canada. Nicolas is an electroacoustic artist and founder of Ekumen collective more recently famous for his live performance...(more)
Werken - Sum
Sum is the debut album of Werken, one of the aliases of Tilman Ehrhorn known for his releases on Mille Plateaux and Resopal Schallware.
Working full time as saxophone and reed player, composer, produ...(more)